In a statement, the office cited complaints by motorists that instances of bribe-taking and other abuses were on the rise despite previously announced campaigns against corruption.
But in January, he decided to keep the fund open, citing complaints about the possible closing from investors.
It cited additional complaints, which Ms. McGee has challenged.
But most have moved for lower prices or better investing features, with only 14 percent of the switchers citing complaints about service or computer problems.
The town-village clerk also cited complaints about the college polling place, including a cold and dirty room, inadequate parking and unruly students.
The CTA cited complaints about delays in service due to the extra stops as justification for their removal.
The judge cited complaints that Mr. Levy had suggested stories on army friends whom reporters and editors did not consider newsworthy.
The FDA cited complaints that the product caused anosmia.
The airline cited chronic, unreasonable complaints, numerous confrontations with employees, and verbal abuse that allegedly brought employees to tears.
The report cited complaints from many that they were not allowed to write important news articles.