Social work experts have pushed for change, citing child deaths around the state that they say could have been prevented.
Similar reports have since surfaced in other news media outlets, all citing unnamed team executives around the league.
He cited the passageways around Grand Central Terminal as the model.
It cited some of the system's well-known shortcomings, like the wide disparities between rich and poor school districts around the state.
Hanstad, Brown and Prosterman also cite numerous other studies from around the world which have shown results similar to their own.
They also cited continuing problems with odors in the neighborhood around the plant, which at their worst have confined residents to their apartments.
The survey cited individual cases around the world to illustrate different types of violations against children.
Some early advertisements claimed over 700 rooms, but most sources today cite around 500.
The proponents of the ban cited health hazards to smokers and people around them who had to inhale the smoke.