While the Eigenfactor score is correlated with total citation count for medical journals, these metrics provide significantly different information.
The authors state that citation counts indicate impact rather than quality.
They suggest that there is a bimodal distribution of citation counts, with short-term and long-term components.
The ones with the highest citation counts are:
In fact, for the same author, one gets fewer citation counts than other sites, such as Google Scholar.
Growing more cohesive would mean a higher scientific impact as component size and citation count have a positive correlation.
This is also a problem for regular citation counts.
According to citation counts, his most influential publication is his 1989 paper on conformal field theory in two dimensions.
Publications were selected for their importance as indexed by citation counts (all included below are over 100 citations).
No research has established that citation counts reflect the real influence or worth of all forms of scientific work.