Long ago when he was 15, he met the merboy Jack before sailing across the ocean with around 20 circus ponies.
She pranced in front of them, more like a circus pony than a chorus girl.
She said when her husband was first contacted to participate in the dedication event, he had expressed reluctance, saying, "I'm tired of being a circus pony.
Out of it all Ms. Clarke inherited a white circus pony that performed in "Endangered Species," whom she has named Mister Grey - "after the tea."
Someone even remembered seeing the famous photograph of Frankie on Trigger, his circus pony.
Watching this aggressively eager show is like being stampeded by circus ponies.
Shortly after that Mr. Kennedy came rushing in on one of the circus ponies that he had taken from a parade rider.
Watching it is like being stampeded by circus ponies.
The bank she showed him was a small iron sculpture of a circus pony and a clown.