These charges prompted the police to determine whether the circumstances merited a charge of child rape, which can carry the death penalty.
I wish the circumstances merited a celebratory drink,' Sajaki said.
But special circumstances merited his special attention.
"We are prepared to resist for whatever time is necessary, even for years, if the circumstances merit it," he added.
At the same moment that their joy is palpable, the circumstances that merit such vigilance touch that joy with sadness.
Where the circumstances merit an unannounced visit this can still be done.
And so they had left, taking with them the one man Scorpio felt would have had the will to oppose Aura, if the circumstances merited it.
Col. Ron sent B'Tselem a letter in which she stated that the circumstances merited no criminal investigation.
The circumstances certainly merited a vigorous response by the Library Association.
Executives may follow different procedures under certain circumstances, suggesting that the circumstances merit a closer look, the lawyers said.