There she encountered the Maasai people who invited her to witness a female circumcision ceremony.
At the briss, the classic circumcision ceremony, Meyer's father made his announcement.
The circumcision ceremony typically lasts from 4 am until 9 am.
The Bamasaaba are famous for their traditional male circumcision ceremonies, held every even year.
Brit Mila (for boys) a circumcision ceremony when a boy is 8 days old.
In one instance, a cabinet minister had said, "Those who are not circumcised should be taken for a circumcision ceremony."
The music is mainly used in circumcision ceremonies, where young boys are initiated into manhood.
Rite of Passage concerns a doctor and a young boy traumatized by a tribal circumcision ceremony.
It had been the day of the circumcision ceremony for little Leto.
Rebana may be used in a wedding ritual or in a circumcision ceremony.