Six days later nameless wanted-posters for "person 1" and "person 2" were secretly circulated to Danish Police and maybe some foreign agencies.
Just a few years ago he was putting out an underground magazine and writing books that could only be circulated secretly.
Written and circulated secretly in 1970 but published openly in 1990, the document said that there "could be neither peace nor coexistence between the Islamic religion and non-Islamic social and political institutions."
That night he assembled in his home-synagogue some of the leaders of the Jewish community and read them a letter which had circulated secretly in Germany for some years.
It was forbidden in Russia to possess a picture of Nalbandian; but portraits of him, with his poem, "Liberty," printed in the margins, were circulated secretly.
But the Inquisition could authenticate false genealogies, and the fact that virtually everyone of any importance was vulnerable merely increased its power - accurate genealogies, secretly circulated, were a form of subversive literature.
Though there was nothing wrong in these stories and though their intention was sometimes literary they were circulated secretly at school.
Still, the essay was circulated secretly to become the preface to the book's English translation.
Knox's First Blast of the Trumpet was published in the same year, and the tracts were secretly circulated in England.
The tract was secretly circulated by St. John among the parliamentary leaders; Charles I and his ministers were roused, and James, with Cotton and others, was imprisoned by order of the privy council in the autumn of 1629.