Last year, the Indiana Supreme Court held that a internally circulated negative job evaluation was grounds for a defamation suit.
Although no numbers were mentioned in the memo, which was circulated internally, Wall Street professionals close to the firm speculated that the action would trim at least 200 positions from the firm's work force of 6,550.
When the final report was produced it was circulated internally amongst staff and presented to the school's governors and the section of the ILEA inspectorate most concerned with the school.
W&S was replaced by something called the post-mortems, photocopied annotated collections of articles that were circulated exclusively internally, several times a week.
They also publish a book called "Thiruchabai Malar" on every month which is circulated internally.
These were circulated internally at the University of New South Wales beginning 1976--77, and were for years after the *only* detailed kernel documentation available to anyone outside Bell Labs.
In an internally circulated memorandum at the RAND Corporation, Brodie compared his no cities/withhold plan to coitus interruptus, while the SAC plan was like "going all the way".
A draft ruling that brands Microsoft an abusive monopolist is being circulated internally within the commission, before it is shown to national competition regulators for comments next month.
The service standards could have been just circulated internally, but making them public meant everyone would know what level of service they had a right to expect from the police.
An unspecified number of other employees received disciplinary warning letters over the incident, which involved internally circulated e-mail, the company said.