We find the PRINTED copy of the book usually known as 'Leicester's Commonwealth' dated 1584, but probably it had been earlier circulated in manuscript copies, of which several exist.
It was earlier circulated in preprint.
But rumors had circulated earlier in Tbilisi that those victims had choked on poisonous gases used by the troops.
However, promises to pay were widely circulated and accepted as value at least five hundred years earlier in both Europe and Asia.
Marshal Shaposhnikov had earlier circulated a new oath of service in which soldiers were to pledge to observe the constitution and laws of the Commonwealth, as well as the state in which they serve.
The Martinez campaign had earlier circulated a flier accusing Mr. McCollum of pandering to the "radical homosexual lobby" by co-sponsoring a failed hate-crimes bill that would encompass crimes based on the victim's gender, sexual orientation or disability.
As a result, Leader was viewed as another mediocre if idealistic (he had gained some statewide recognition for refusing to sign a loyalty oath circulated in the legislature at the height of McCarthyism earlier in the year) Democratic candidate.
An invitation to join a British group was also circulated earlier in the October 1990 issue of the JFIT News.
A questionnaire had been circulated earlier in the year, and from that the steering committee had outlined 'valuable feedback', indicating the sort of programme of events the branch needed.
Dion said that this resolution was similar to the one he had circulated several days earlier.