In 1922 he started a monthly magazine entitled 'Studies in Scriptures' which circulated among English-speaking Christians worldwide, though only to a relatively small circulation list of around 1,000.
All of these groups are connected to their deported guru through press releases, a Rajneesh newspaper and videocassettes that circulate worldwide.
General Alexander told senators that the abuses Red Cross inspectors witnessed "sounded the same as some of the abuses that we're seeing" in photographs taken by military guards that are now circulating worldwide.
The camera line is no longer made, although many working models are still circulating at reasonable prices worldwide.
The handbook first appeared in 1984, and Mr. Duffy says that 20,000 copies are now circulating worldwide.
The ubiquity of surface-to-air missiles - hundreds are reportedly circulating on black markets worldwide, and intelligence agencies say Al Qaeda has dozens - has not deterred the world's airlines from lobbying to start service to Iraq.
In the months that followed, the account of the Kadaververwertungsanstalt circulated worldwide, but never expanded beyond the account printed in The Times; no eyewitnesses ever appeared, and the story was never enlarged or amplified.
This was contradicted by a photograph that was circulating worldwide of Lindh naked, bound to a stretcher with duct tape, and blindfolded with epithets written across it.
Attorney General Janet Reno said yesterday morning that the F.B.I. had opened an investigation into "a new, more destructive variant" of the rogue program that circulated worldwide early this month.
In July 1927 Frank Jannaway circulated worldwide a letter The Christadelphians Then and Now appealing for ecclesias to "stand aside from" ) Birmingham and all who would not.