One of the most frequently circulated photographs depicting Saskatoon is of the hotel framed in one of the arches of the Broadway Bridge.
After his release, the police circulated photographs obtained from parole authorities.
Officials appealed for the public's assistance: They placed fliers on car windshields, circulated photographs of the suspects and roamed the Morris Heights neighborhood in a car with a rooftop loudspeaker to spread their appeal.
After he punishes several of his students for circulating photographs of the beautiful Lola-Lola (Marlene Dietrich), the headliner for the local cabaret, "The Blue Angel".
Law enforcement agencies have improved coordination, and they use the news media to circulate photographs of escapees.
Not that that would have mattered in the long run - not after we had got around to circulating photographs.
The Society ceased operating after her death, and the Anna Ticknor Library Association was formed to circulate the former Society's books, photographs, and other materials to a larger group of interest learners.
It was only last week that the Defense Department began widely circulating photographs and written descriptions of the suspects.
A Swiss dealer circulated photographs, and somehow the value of the papyrus was suspected.
Among other things, Web sites and talk shows are widely circulating photographs of Mr. Kerry at long-ago rallies sitting near the actress Jane Fonda, whose antiwar protests still evoke bitter memories.