This show displays the variety and vitality of such reproductive prints, and points up how they effectively circulated artists' works and ideas in Europe.
The interaction required by ijma allowed for mujtahids to circulate ideas and eventually merge together to create particular Islamic schools of law (madhhabs).
There may well be a First Amendment issue here: Americans prize the right to circulate ideas, including those on software disks.
United's labor unions began circulating ideas to that effect today.
Labor activists and socialists often had national or international networks that circulated ideas and tactics.
"We emulate the passionate amateurs of history who circulated new and radical ideas to as wide an audience as possible," they said.
Other writers, such as Seebohm Rowntree, were much less guarded, putting forward solutions to family poverty and circulating new ideas about how they could be reconciled with the economic needs of industry.
An older meaning of the term is closer to pamphleteer: someone who circulates ideas by publishing them, perhaps in ephemeral forms.
But Republicans are also circulating other ideas.
It was Haketa that was responsible for circulating and popularising Völkisch ideas of German historians that were favourable to the extension of the Prussian state.