Near its outside there are two circular rows of rooms.
A single circular "row" of cylinders indicated modest power; a twin-row suggested the more powerful military craft.
They are organized in circular rows which protrude from the column.
Soon there was a little stage, and the villagers were seated around it in concentric circular rows.
Unseen before but suddenly illuminated, a circular row of tanks appeared.
It is useful to use that very fine elastic on the zig-zag, the two circular rows and the following one.
So, how does this help us with the circular rows we do during the cast on sequence?
You can't knit circular rows using the settings given in Figure 1 when using a punchcard.
So the problem when knitting the circular rows arises on the row of the cycle during which the main carriage has to knit.
The teeth showed at last: circular rows of them behind the plates.