When ready to emerge, the virgin queen will chew a circular cut around the cap of her cell.
He rubbed the dirt all around the circular cut, then blew off the excess.
The other warrior completed his circular cut and ripped the blood-soaked scalp from the priest's skull.
Moulinet - In sabre, a circular cut.
A moulinet is often composed of a parry, usually prime or seconde, moving thence into a circular cut.
They took turns widening the opening until the circular cuts had grown into a four-leaf clover broad enough for a body to slip through.
Jig saw - a power tool that can form circular cuts by moving the work piece past a blade rapidly moving up and down.
Such a grip allowed for easier handling of circular cuts while fighting on foot, and for swinging cuts from horseback.
The ragged, circular cut she had inscribed about her wrist widened, pulling wet strands of tendon across the gap and creating a red bracelet.
The only hole we found is a circular cut perhaps two, two and a half centimeters across.