The striatal circuits control low-level forms of response selection, that is, behaviors that use particular muscle groups or specific action patterns.
The limbic circuit controls the highest-level aspects of response selection, such as planning and decision-making.
These circuits control specific body functions such as sleep and speech.
Such simple circuits control many types of missile - radar seekers and heat seekers, for example.
There are different functional networks controlling forward and backward movement, as well as different circuits controlling each leg.
"This circuit controls the interpretative aspects of music, am I right?"
The circuit of a light organ separates the audio signal into frequency bands and controls the light channels according to the average level of each band using dimmers.
This circuit controlled the action of the power unit and projector whenever a certain leaf in the decorative design of the staff was pressed.
A Relay is an electromagnet used as a switch to permit one electric circuit to control the operation of one or more additional circuits.