He looked skyward where a big, black crow lazily circled.
High, even higher than the hawks, a large black bird circled lazily.
She circled lazily down, considering all that lay before her.
She caught her breath as four more crows joined the group, circling lazily overhead.
Wohler-9 had pointed them out before they began their drop, while they were still lazily circling above the center of the dome.
High overhead a hawk circled lazily on the warming air.
A 6 attack dive-bombers had appeared and were circling lazily to the east, waiting for the W19 to call them in.
Overhead he saw the hawk again, or a different one, circling lazily against the blue.
Then she went back to watching the Cynthians, circling lazily in the sky.
The police car lazily circled through the big parking lot.