Circling downward to the lower path, The Shadow turned upward along the creek and came to the spot where the stepping stones formed a crossing.
The size of the spot told them the terrific fury of the battle that must have produced it, and they circled downward toward the world with due caution.
She thought that her altimeter was off, and she went on circling downward.
As they circled downward, Jaxom saw that they were by no means the first arrivals.
The pilot circled downward, holding the car a few inches above the grass while they climbed out.
A graceful V-shape shot into a patch of blue, wheeling, circling downward.
Her eyes went up to the aircraft that was circling downward above them.
Images of demons and eternal torment, circling downward toward the base of the dome, would depict man's descent into the horrors of the underworld.
With a terrific sneeze, he blew the dust from his nose, then circled downward toward the wooden platform.
High overhead a small dot appeared out of the clear blue of the dawn skies, growing in size as it circled downward until it took shape.