There were twenty-nine domes arranged in a circle, eventually connected by tunnels as the snow deepened.
Precedence relationships between activities are represented by circles connected by one or more arrows.
The Belt was a circle about eight hundred yards wide, a chain of battered dwellings and work places connected by ropes and tubes.
The same artist also completed his schematic portrait, which showed a series of circles connected by two perpendicular arrows.
As the Margrave was a distant relative of the Emperor, Mieszko became a member of the circle connected to the imperial ruling house.
In the United States, book competitions are generally dreary affairs, with interest limited to the circle connected to the nominated authors and publishers.
As a poet, he has been active on the literary scene since the 1960's, initially writing experimental poetry in the circle connected with the Poetry Society.
Taking out a little card, he drew, from left to right, three progressively larger circles connected by horizontal lines.
On it was a simple map, consisting of a series of a dozen circles connected by a line.
He operated in circles connected to the Amsterdam Theatre and he probably worked later on as an independent musician in Amsterdam.