In his bravura feature debut, Carrasco has created nothing less than a superb cinematic vision.
Fritz Lang's Metropolis cinematic visions of technology and fear.
The band described their sound as "Bladerunner sci-fi rock 'n' roll mixed with acidic cinematic visions".
So cinematic visions can now be realized by manipulating digital code, lines of ones and zeros.
The scene was the first to give cinematic vision to our long-imagined private worlds of Potter magic, and they did so in a craftily realistic way.
Yet Ms. Makhmalbaf's startling cinematic vision is also the product of a unique education and circumstances.
The dream is very romantic, fueled by the cinematic visions of similing children, or lions running free.
Sabol's collage art was a natural outgrowth of his cinematic vision.
Indeed, Mr. Brown's first experience with the real city was strongly colored by his cinematic visions.
But anyone who thinks concepts like "the art of motion pictures" or "cinematic vision" will survive is in for a rude awakening.