Machinima: Virtual World Filmmaking is a form of cinematic expression that documents life within virtual spaces, and draws connections between virtuality and reality.
He merges new forms of cinematic expression with traditional nonfiction approaches to move viewers into a new audio-visual realm.
While inventing a unique format of cinematic expression Dibakar Banerjee has not emotionally emasculated the characters.
More acutely than any movie before, it gives cinematic expression to the hot-tempered, defiantly nihilistic ethos that ignites gangster rap.
Cheap, portable, easy to use, the new technology puts cinematic expression in reach of the masses.
It was a cinematic expression of a long-standing dramatic figure known as the tateyaku, a heroic leading man emerging from medieval samurai tales and epic military romances.
By combining drawing, sculpture and moving image techniques they have created a corpus of art pieces that contribute with their own language to cinematic expression and thinking.
In this way, the camera movement itself becomes the primary cinematic expression.
Ein Shams captures my commitment to exploring alternative styles of cinematic expression made possible by digital media.
Critics have argued that the subtlety of Kiarostami's cinematic expression is resistant to critical analysis.