The cigarette carton was in pieces, and the arrow, having shot clean through it, ricocheted back off a wall.
The spot suggests a van load of smuggled cigarette cartons could net gang members over $13,000 in profits.
From under the cushion, he digs out an old, dusty cigarette carton.
When folded, the size is about the same as a cigarette carton, and the appearance is deliberately similar to an old-fashioned metal commercial radio.
Fingerprints, for example, fall into the category of use traces, along with candy wrappers, cigarette cartons, and countless other objects.
Was it a cigarette carton the fellow chucked?
Under his arm, the trigger-man had Slick's cigarette carton.
He shrugged off his pack, reached into it, and pulled out one of the cigarette cartons.
Someone piled cigarette cartons and cigars on the bar.
At my feet lay a litter of dead leaves, cigarette cartons and glass crystals.