His pewter hair was always immaculate, despite the worry lines on his face or the lingering aroma of cigar tobacco that eternally clung to him.
Cigar Wraps: Flavored cigar wraps, officially made for use with cigar tobacco.
The Connecticut Valley accounts for about 10 percent of the worldwide supply of cigar tobacco, the Agriculture Department says.
It is the third largest producer of cigar tobacco in the world, behind Cuba and Indonesia.
"Nor has any other state acted against cigar tobacco," added Richard Blumenthal, the state's Attorney General.
General Cigar grows 400 acres of cigar tobacco, and much of the rest is grown by independent farmers in a cooperative.
Markham scented the aroma of heavy cigar tobacco.
This odor was that of a heavy cigar tobacco.
Cuban Cohibas have historically been known to use some of the finest cigar tobacco available in Cuba.
New areas for the cultivation of cigar tobacco were explored.