The name for the Montecristo (cigar brand) may have arisen from this practice.
So popular was this novel that it inspired the naming of towns, hotels, steamboats, and a cigar brand.
It was this job that enabled him to raise the $600 dollars to start his own cigar brand and business.
Tradition has it that some of Cuba's best known cigar brands were named after the workers' favourite books.
Both cigar brands feature his secret technique of triple-blending Cuban seed tobaccos.
Davidoff also had success writing several books on cigar smoking and Cuban cigar brands.
In his own shop he saw the number of cigar brands increase to 1,200 from 250.
H. Upmann is among the oldest cigar brands in existence, dating back to the 1840s.
Each capitle's name contains the name of a famous cigar brand.
In 1980, Black & Mild became the company's second cigar brand, and its top seller by 1996.