The halls for both the receptions and church-related activities are provided on the lower floor of the Main Church.
Similarly, teachers who are also youth leaders in church could not use sites such as Facebook to communicate with students about church-related activities.
Presently, the worldwide Primary provides Sunday school and church-related activities to approximately one million Latter-day Saint children.
For others, there is not enough space to accommodate all church-related activities and still leave room for regular outside use.
Females tended to be more involved in church-related activities than males and were more likely to view themselves as religious individuals.
He also opened his bookshop for church-related activities, including fundraising for foreign missionary work.
Services and church-related activities were already being held in the above-ground basement of the building before the upper floors were even completed.
Local officials say the applications were turned down because of concerns about traffic and church-related activities like schools and day-care centers.
In between services, members participate in various church-related activities such as Bible studies, watching church produced videos, or recruiting in the local community.
He said that the money cited in the indictment involved "church-related activities" and that all of it was properly received and spent by checks.