Despite women's consistency in attending church, the church places certain restrictions on women due to their unique physiological processes.
The church places an emphasis on prayer and even has a "prayer during preaching ministry".
Some churches place limits on the term that the elders serve, while others ordain elders for life.
The church placed special emphasis on holiness.
The church places an emphasis on faith healing.
The church has placed its altar in storage but will reinstall it in the new building when construction is eventually completed.
The church received the children, housing some in American camps and placing others in foster homes.
To lure them back, the church placed extra emphasis on parishioners' needs, feeding the poor, offering child care and establishing senior citizen centers.
He said the church was placing homeless people in "harm's way."
Iskander's church as well as several other churches placed 30 large posters around the city to distance themselves from the Pope's words.