However, this was discontinued over a century ago and the Church excommunicates anyone who practices it.
The church excommunicates also so sinners come to repentance quickly when they would not otherwise.
The Dutch church excommunicated him, and on 7 April he was condemned.
That fall, he dissented from the church and in December the church excommunicated him.
The church officially renounced polygamy in 1890, and excommunicates members who openly practice it.
Divorced his first wife," Ben said, "and accepted the blame for it, so the Church excommunicated him.
The topic was so taboo that the church once excommunicated actresses and television producers for bringing it up in a soap opera.
The church now excommunicates members for polygamy.
Each Church excommunicated the other.
Still, she said, she was surprised and hurt when the church excommunicated her for revealing sacred and secret rituals in her book.