After months of struggling with marketing, she began directing her business to the faith community by creating public access program highlighting church events.
By 18, she was performing at local talent shows and church events.
In addition, the pastor's wives sometimes formed their own committees to plan for church events.
McCauley is a well-known speaker at church events around the world.
Manaola, a student at the College, was attending a church event.
By the time he was 6 years old, he was performing at church events.
Many wedding,school, and church events are held at the downtown Community Center, which is also connected to the public library.
When church events are mentioned, they need to be 'angled' to the community, with plenty of human and local interest to catch the eye.
Plans have been drawn up for commercial offices and a smaller centre for church events.
The authors also reported on the many church events they attended as participant-observers.