The Russian church denounced this step as a completely unjustified incursion into its own historic jurisdiction.
"And the church should keep guard against this and denounce it."
The civil authorities described it as a "dangerous cult" and other churches denounced it as "blasphemy".
The church has never denounced the Jamaa movement, but the hierarchy has grown steadily more wary of it.
Under his direction, the church denounced anti-Semitism, although it did not criticize Pope Pius XII for his equivocal response to the Holocaust.
The church denounced the Serbian President, Slobodan Milosevic, for "betraying the Serbian people" by signing the accord.
Another man said he had built a house on the trust site and lost it when the church denounced him.
The church denounced him as a blasphemer in league with the devil.
The wives, and the church, denounce Rathbun and Rinder as liars.