The data also refers to offertory money - church collections, in other words.
And you borrowed sixpence off me for church collection, let me tell you.
After 1380 the rights to the church collection and the appointment of the minister was held by Brugg.
He gives it and the church collection to Miss Brown.
Opsahl was depositing a church collection at the time.
Frank Cook claimed back the cost of giving £5 to a church collection at a Battle of Britain memorial service.
The partnership receives various informal funding, i.e. church collections and donations.
The patriarch derived an income from the farm produce of his parishioners, and took a share of church collections.
He was arrested in late March with $139 in his pockets after being videotaped taking money from church collections.
At a news conference later, he said the archdiocese planned to increase revenue $30 million through higher school fees and church collections.