"Fairly regular church attendee?"
Homobonus was a frequent church attendee that would partake in the Eucharist everyday.
On Christmas Eve in 2010 at least 38 people were killed, including shoppers and church attendees.
"Yes, I know, but don't fret about that-you don't need to be a regular church attendee to pray."
It is estimated that, of the Catholic population, half are active church attendees.
Of those, 138 parishes and 10 monasteries are in the United States, with 27,700 adherents and 9,000 regular church attendees.
In 1992, 80% of 502 surveyed teenage girls believe in angels, and 81% of Catholic teens and 82% of regular church attendees harbored beliefs in angels.
Yet major differences did exist between people who described themselves as frequent church attendees and those who did not.
The Atlas lists the United States membership of the OCA as 84,900; 33,800 of which it says are regular church attendees.
At the time, Cambridge (and the Boston area) had a less than 2% of church attendees on any given Sunday.