The chubby girl continues to strip down to her bathing suit.
Then they sexually assaulted a chubby, 7-year-old girl in pigtails.
A chubby little girl in the day coach kept flirting with him.
She was a rather plain and chubby girl he had known in high school.
The chubby girl shook her head and began to cry.
They're short and chubby girls who later appear in Shautieh's matches, cheering for him.
I remember her as a little, chubby girl, with the stained apron on, behind the counter.
"I hope to send a message to the chubby 10-year-old girls in the audience that this could be them."
She kept watching it and asking herself, "Who is this chubby little girl?"
She is a chubby, short girl, that was often been called 'ugly'.