About a third are found to be antisocial or having a conduct disorder, indicating they are chronic troublemakers.
His news conference included Sprewell's assertion that he has not been a chronic troublemaker.
But Rooney was, by his own account, inexperienced in the ring and a chronic troublemaker out of it.
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough Samson, a chronic troublemaker who resisted the new policies and tried to go behind her supervisor's back.
The chronic aggressive troublemaker typifies the second pattern of alcoholism thought to have a biological basis.
These chronic troublemakers fall into several categories of "difficult-people types," according to a Scarsdale human resources consultant, Sandra Kassalow.
Nicholson was described by several public league coaches as a "good kid" who made a mistake, not a chronic troublemaker.
"A chronic troublemaker heading for a dishonorable discharge until Steve took an interest in him and shaped him up," Mitchell had confided.
He was described as an impish chronic troublemaker who antagonized many of his neighbors by his antics.
It also meant that complainers, chronic troublemakers, and potential enemies could be executed with a clear conscience, since they'd be reborn anyway.