In 1982, Williams took over another chronic loser, the San Diego Padres.
By then he was a chronic loser, boxing for a pitiful fraction of the millions of dollars he had made and lost.
"One guy who called me was a chronic key loser," the locksmith said as he sped to his call on Second Avenue at 42d Street.
A bunch of chronic losers decide to burgle the penthouse pad of the rock star and plot all season to pull it off.
It was the statement of a man who had done one last service to the human race, by ridding it of a chronic loser.
He was a chronic loser.
The list of 31 state-run companies, published in the newspaper Sotsialisticheskaya Industriya, was an unusual public humiliation, reflecting mounting official impatience with chronic industrial losers.
However, Mr. Culverhouse's frugally run team was a chronic loser.
He had taken a chronic loser in Air Force and turned it into a winner.
Perpetual Disappointment Under Griffith, the Twins were chronic losers.