A colleague of mine in his early 30s with chronic diabetes nevertheless continued his business-based drinking binges.
While Somparé did not name the particular illness, sources reported that Conté had chronic diabetes and leukemia.
After the birth, she vows on losing the weight because she said she understands the risks, and fears the prospects, of developing chronic diabetes.
He died soon after being admitted to hospital, after a glucose injection complicated his chronic diabetes.
This can happen with chronic diabetes or arterial disease.
Doctors believe that lifestyle changes, including weight loss and regular exercise, can delay or prevent chronic diabetes in many of these women and children.
The best known and most prevalent angiopathy is the diabetic angiopathy, a complication that may occur in chronic diabetes.
Ucko suffered from chronic diabetes, an ailment that caused his death on 14 June 2007.
"So we're talking about chronic diabetes."
The best known and most prevalent angiopathy is diabetic angiopathy, a common complication of chronic diabetes.