Heavy chronic consumption of alcohol, particularly alcoholic spirits, is also significant.
But in southern China and sub-Saharan Africa, chronic consumption of aflatoxin B, believed to suppress the P53 gene, is a leading cause of liver cancer.
A number of studies in animals have suggested that chronic consumption of refined sugars can contribute to metabolic and cardiovascular dysfunction.
However, theobromine poisoning may result from the chronic or acute consumption of large quantities, especially in the elderly.
There have been a handful of published reports describing individuals with severe hypokalemia related to chronic extreme consumption (4-10 L/day) of colas.
Since then, Burstein's group has shown that stopping the chronic consumption of painkillers can help normalize function in some areas of the brain stem.
Licorice is known to be an inhibitor of this enzyme and chronic consumption can result in a condition known as pseudohyperaldosteronism.
The risk of chronic consumption of unnecessary, additional residues of chlorine, a carcinogen, is not one they were willing to take.