Each chromosome sequence maps to a named entry in the fasta file and would contain N gene sequences.
One thousand base-pairs of sequence flanking each gap (2,000 bp total per gap) was extracted from the published chromosome sequence.
In situ localization of chromosome 9 sequences in man have been made using M1 and MII air-dried metaphases prepared as in Section 2.2(15).
These repeats in total represent approximately 10% of the chromosome sequences.
Biotique had an extensive inventory of template plants to take chromosome sequences from, and 17 M-years of field experimental records, so Sax had a lot of catching up to do.
Hox genes are activated by genetic regulation mechanisms that target each gene's effect much more narrowly: to just one segment of the developing embryo, corresponding to the gene's position in the chromosome sequence.
May - Human Genome Project publishes the last chromosome sequence, in Nature.
These chromosomes, the three smallest, have been finished, showing that chromosome sequence can be tackled without a fine resolution genetic map.
To facilitate BLAST searches, each locus was mapped to both the complete chromosome sequence and to the matching chromosome section in each genome.