Plus, for every year past 30, a woman's odds of chromosomal defects rise.
The problems included abnormalities of the heart, kidneys and urogential system, as well as chromosomal defects.
Tomas Sedgwick has a hereditary chromosomal defect, which calls for occasional treatment now and will need more frequent ones later.
The exact chromosomal defect in isolated cleft hand is not yet defined.
Doctors have long recommended an amniocentesis test for pregnant women 35 and over, whose age puts them at greater risk for chromosomal defects.
More than half of the deaths among infants without anatomical or chromosomal defects are attributable to low birth weight.
You already have a child who has Down syndrome or another chromosomal defect.
These can be examined for chromosomal defects that cause conditions such as Down syndrome and cystic fibrosis.
There were also no chromosomal defects and no evidence of substance abuse-all significant negative findings.