Fig 72 Timing when and where to gybe in choppy conditions.
No easy task in the wild, choppy conditions.
Moving around the catamaran in these choppy conditions is like trying to ride one of those mechanical bulls that you get at parties.
Occasionally, she encountered only choppy conditions.
Some countries rely almost exclusively on dispersants to combat oil spills because frequently rough or choppy conditions at sea make mechanical containment and cleanup difficult.
Many Skates now feature winged rudders to provide increased speed and stability in choppy conditions.
The crossing should be done at slack tide, as winds and tides can cause choppy conditions.
The usual choppy conditions prevailed, but with clear skies we enjoyed views of the green hills of Marin County.
The hydrofoil eliminates the effects of choppy or rough conditions.
The vessel's ride during choppy conditions led to its nickname "Spew Cat".