Instead, customers filled out an on-line questionnaire and chose the type, quantity, and dosage they desired to purchase.
One of the specific and unique features of bonbon is the fact that it does not have standardized tariffs, but instead, lets the users choose the specific combination and quantity of voice, SMS and data packages.
Pond Population Choosing the right combination and quantity of fish and plants is crucial for a successful pond.
Hamish claims his father was inadequately informed of the psychological risks of having an ICD fitted, and says: "If he had known, he may well have chosen quality of life rather than quantity."
Bérard, Derain, and Miró would provid a general sketch, an idea, but it would be Karinska who expounded upon the concept, modified it, chose the fabric, quality and quantity, and decided how the concept would be implemented.
They are fattening you for food, and they won't leave it to you to choose the kind or quantity of food which you consume.
When law enforcement fails to distinguish between violent criminal activity and legitimate dissent ñ and when it favors collecting as much information on as many people as possible rather than useful intelligence resulting from bona fide criminal investigations ñ it's "choosing quantity over quality," Crew said.
The only thing human about economies is the greed of the corporatacracy and the corruption of our politicial minions that feed the monster, we choose quantity of profit over quality of life and elect those that keep it coming.
Use this chart to help you choose the variety, size and quantity best suited to your taste and needs.