Both brothers chose the gas chamber in the hope that courts would find the method unconstitutional.
The spot was supposedly chosen for its lovely setting, in the hope that the condemned prisoner's punishment would thereby seem all the worse.
I've chosen to allow myself to be photographed, in the forlorn hope that it might stop you following me to school like you did yesterday, Paula.
Perhaps, like some humans, it chooses complex ones in the hope of getting into a newspaper column.
Iblis chose his words and tone cautiously, in the hope that he could find a way to turn her orders to his own ends.
He chose prison over extended probation, perhaps in the hope that incarceration would separate him from the temptations of his addiction.
Anything might have been right and she chose the spade ten in the hope of finding her partner with length and strength in that suit.
I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of independence still available under present circumstances.
They choose a movie in the hope that for a period of time they will be more entertained or interested or happier than otherwise.
The name was likely chosen in the hope the locality would be prosperous.