The Heroes tribe chose cooking equipment and additional fishing gear.
Before each mission, the player may choose new equipment for himself and his teammates.
The net result is an additional contraption (or two, if you choose cordless equipment from different manufacturers) in your computer setup.
Operators may voluntarily choose equipment that meets the higher performance standards in order to enable the use of these applications.
After the briefing, the player can choose equipment for themselves and the other four officers.
A climber chooses equipment according to the slope and texture of the ice.
When you choose new equipment you need to consider the overall cost of ownership throughout its lifetime.
Establish 170 manufacturing extension centers to help smaller businesses choose equipment and learn cutting-edge techniques.
Along the way, players must choose the skills and equipment best suited for their character class, personal style of play, and enemies being challenged.
This guide also looks in detail at how to choose and maintain protective equipment for the entire body.