The detail is chosen as the starting point of the possible knowledge, deepening our perception and conscience.
Precisely because we're finally looking at the trace, it doesn't matter which point on the loop is chosen as the initial point.
An arbitrary date of 1945 has been chosen as the point at which to start referring to corps in Arabic numerals.
The tenth edition (1758-59), was chosen as the starting point for zoological nomenclature.
In the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s Henderson frequently chose still-life subjects as the starting point for paintings.
To economise Korntal was chosen as the starting point of the line.
He was said to have chosen the site as the only point on Rhodes from which his homeland of Crete could be seen.
This village, through which the road and railway passed, was chosen as the point from which to defend Kamina further north.
As with other programs, users choose a person as the starting point for trees or records.
Instead, "the social and cultural dimension of Europe" is chosen as the most important point to be taken up in the guidelines for the 2001 budget.