Sam Apelbaum was chosen as the party's full-time leader at a convention in late 1996.
If you fail, the Labour party will not choose as its next leader another Miliband.
Several analysts expressed surprise that Saatchi chose as its leader an executive without experience in advertising.
That's why the buccaneers chose him as their leader.
Rankin was chosen as the party's official leader in 1996, and has been re-elected at every party convention since then.
There, perhaps because of his military training, Spartacus was chosen as their leader.
In fact, he might have been chosen as their leader or king if he had too followed their idolatrous ways.
When the student council chose Qeis as its leader, he accepted in divine terms.
Melançon was chosen as the party's first interim leader.
Mr. Lynch was chosen as the firm's next leader by the 26-member board.