"Why Did God Choose Abraham?"
Why did God choose Abraham and not someone else?
An attempt to join the two interpretations leads to the idea that God chose Abraham, but that Abraham also chose God by consenting to obey God's commands.
By coincidence, they chose Abraham, unaware that it was the name of Groening's grandfather.
By choosing Abraham as the patron of the Church, the Dominicans showed their desire that it would become a place of study, encounter, and understanding between people of different faiths.
He chose Abraham and his descendants to be the channels of his mercy to a fallen world.
He left it to the writers to choose a name and they chose "Abraham", not knowing that it was also the name of Groening's grandfather.
And he knew in his heart that the Lord had chosen him the way he chose Abraham.
First God eliminated two-thirds of the world's population by choosing Abraham, who was from the line of Shem, one of Noah's three sons.
"Briskin told him if it was good enough for God to choose Abraham that way, it was good enough for Harry Cohn."