The choir has grown to the point where more than two-thirds of the children attending Hebrew school at the synagogue are members.
Beginning the first semester with 58 students, the choir grew to an enrollment of 150 students.
ECA's band and choir have also grown in recent years.
Fortunately, by 1944 the choir had grown back to 30 members.
In its first year, the choir recorded only 14 boys, but grew to around 100 by 1991.
In the eleven years of his tenure the choir grew from 10 to nearly 50.
After six successful singers and dancers joined, the choir has since grown to thirty two members as of January 2012.
As the choir grew in size and stature, its fans multiplied.
Over time the choir grew in popularity and has continued to travel throughout the area.
The students are older, and the choir has grown to the 85 boys who sing now from 12 boys in Bach's time.