Christopher Stone had been his final choice, selected from a field of thirteen candidates.
What is more often the case is that the choice selected by a first-past-the-post vote is not the one wanted by the largest number of people.
The choices selected determine who will be Rin's destined love; depending on which route the player takes, there will be between 8 and 12 multiple-choice questions.
His final choice, selected from the files Jean Grandier had passed along before he died, was one Richard Langois.
He noted that all three pension funds had to agree on the choice of counsel, selected from a pool of firms that were qualified through a competitive review process.
Balloting for the award is conducted over the Internet by fans from amongst between three and five choices selected by the ESPN Select Nominating Committee.
For each correct choice selected, the trader wins $500 and one Zonk space of the trader's choice is converted to a car space.
Balloting for the award was conducted over the Internet by fans from amongst choices selected by the ESPN Select Nominating Committee.
Any decision involves a choice selected from a number of alternatives, directed toward an organizational goal or subgoal.
(the latter choice being selected by everybody present); he accommodates them, and then hides the evidence under his cap.