For three years now Versoix has organized a chocolate festival.
City Bakery, 22 East 17th Street, has had hot chocolate festivals for six years; this year's starts on Monday and lasts through February.
On Sept. 12, Ghirardelli Square stages its annual chocolate festival, bittersweet, dark and milky opportunities for gluttony.
But today he was the guest of honor at the bakery's month-long hot chocolate festival as the twenty-second flavor: What Would Faulkner Drink?
A French priest tries to sabotage a chocolate festival planned for Easter Sunday.
Sun and scenery contribute to Vorarlberg's family appeal (top), while a giant Suchard cow presides over the chocolate festival (left)
Perugian chocolate is very popular in Italy, and the city hosts a chocolate festival every October.
Turin's three-week chocolate festival, CioccolaTò, is held every March.
Appreciate budget constraints but surely you could get the good folk of Ramsbottom to take part at their inaugral chocolate festival on 5th April?
The festival has been held since 1993 and is one of the largest chocolate festivals in Europe.