Chlorination of the water will oxidize the H2S to sulfate; however, you may introduce a "chlorine" odor in the process.
This white crystalline powder, which has a strong "chlorine odour," is sometimes sold in tablet or granule form for domestic and industrial use.
"Hardly the nectar of the gods, but at least it lacks that ghastly bitter, sort of chlorine odor of those foggy canyons."
Mr. Peirsol's main concern was keeping his hair looking healthy while Ms. Sanders wanted to get rid of chlorine odor.
Rinsing with a 5 mg/L solution, followed by washing with soap and water, quickly removes chlorine odor from the hands.
Picloram, a synthetic organic chemical, is a crystalline organic solid with a chlorine odor.
Furthermore, water treated with chloramine lacks the distinct chlorine odour of the gaseous treatment and so has improved taste.
If there is a chlorine odor and dirt or discoloration remains, more chlorine is needed.
In March 1995, employees of the main plant in Springfield were sent home after a chemical accident released a chlorine odor throughout the facility.
The Comet, which smelled fine in the can, left an unpleasant chlorine odor on my hands.