The hostages were held in honourable captivity which under the chivalric code meant they were given free rein to move about.
The king even summons yeomen not bound by chivalric codes to join the slaughter.
The second half of the book brings into question Gareth's true commitment to the chivalric code.
He has been alive for seven centuries and follows a strict chivalric code.
Caballerismo refers to a chivalric masculine code of behavior.
The chivalric code created ideals of behavior.
In the later Middle Ages, when tournaments no longer resembled actual warfare and the chivalric code became more popular, kippers were frowned upon.
Parallel to the military developments emerged also a constantly more elaborate chivalric code of conduct for the warrior class.
Although the private eye is supposed to live by a chivalric code of honor, that doesn't buy him much status on the street.
Men of the time often embraced and kissed and this was acceptable under the chivalric code.