UQTR is home to the first public and the first university-based chiropractic school in North America.
After graduating from chiropractic school, chiropractors must pass an exam to get a license to practice.
Luckily, Teddy played it smart, and found a vocation, graduating from chiropractic school in 1958.
B.J. Palmer believed that their chiropractic school was founded on ".
Many chiropractic schools began offering ND programs in addition to the chiropractic degree.
Most veterinary chiropractic programs are a minimum of 210 hours of additional training following the completion of veterinary or chiropractic school, and subsequent licensure.
Palmer Chiropractic College - Davenport, first chiropractic school in the world.
His son, B.J. Palmer, asserted that their chiropractic school was founded on ".
Upon meeting all clinical and didactic requirements of chiropractic school, a degree in chiropractic medicine is granted.
Chiropractors must complete a minimum of 3 years (90 credits) of undergraduate study, with course work in anatomy, physiology, and chemistry, and then attend chiropractic school.